
News & stuff

The Use of Transcriptome Data to Understand the Function of Genes

The transcripts or gene readouts that form the transcriptome are central to the activity of building and maintaining cells. An RNA sequence shows the...

Illumina Sequencing Explained

1010Genome offers next generation sequencing data analysis through Illumina sequencing platform. The cost effective, optimized solutions for whole exome sequencing are critical for complex...

How to Choose a Superior Quality, Cost Effective Bioinformatic Analysis Service Provider?

While the costs towards most data analysis and genome sequencing have crashed considerably, there is a need to ensure that cost reduction is never...

Why Get Exome Sequencing Done?

For those who have non-medical background, exome sequencing is a method of studying an individual’s exome which account for about 85% of medical conditions...

A Closer Look at RNA Sequencing

RNA sequencing, also referred to as RNA-Seq is a next-generation sequencing process with focus on study of total RNA content of a organism or...

Popular articles

Exome SNP Calling Accuracy

A head-to-head evaluation of GATK vs Google DeepVariant Exome...

Illumina Sequencing Explained

1010Genome offers next generation sequencing data analysis through Illumina...

Transcriptome Analysis & Applications

Recent advancement in next generation sequencing strategies has lead...

The Use of Transcriptome Data to Understand the Function of Genes

The transcripts or gene readouts that form the transcriptome...

Case Studies