Key Genome Assembly Projects Handled by Us

Organism Genome Size NGS Coverage Assembly Size
Bacteria 2Mb Illumina (80x) 1.96Mb
Bacteria 4.3Mb Illumina (100x) 3.9Mb
Fungal 60Mb Illumina (250x) 56.2Mb
Bacteria 4.3Mb PacBio (70X) 4.3Mb
Yeast 12Mb PacBio (60x) 12.3Mb
Multi-nucleated Fungi 42Mb PacBio (60x) 42.5Mb
Rice 400Mb Illumina (80x) 340Mb
Rice 400Mb Illumina (80x) and PacBio (20x) 390Mb and PacBio (20x)
Bean 440Mb Illumina (80x) and PacBio (20x) 435Mb
Fish 700Mb PacBio (90x) 680Mb
Insect 900Mb PacBio (63x) 860Mb
Fish 1Gb PacBio (70x) 955Mb
Bacteria 2Mb ONT (50x) Illumina(30x) 1.99Mb
Yeast 12.5Mb ONT (60x) Illumina(30x) 13Mb

The 1010Genome's Genome Assmebly Advantage

These case studies underscore 1010Genome's commitment to pushing the boundaries of genomics. With cutting-edge technologies, innovative methodologies, and a team of experts dedicated to unraveling genetic mysteries, 1010Genome stands at the forefront of genome assembly. Whether it's deciphering the complexities of long-read sequencing or navigating the intricacies of short-read assemblies, 1010Genome continues to pioneer advancements in genomics.

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