Evercode Whole Transcriptome Kits Offer Following Advantages:

  • Enhanced Gene and Transcript Detection: These kits enhance sensitivity, delivering more insightful data within a single experiment.
  • Enhanced Consistency: The chemistry is more uniform across samples, ensuring more reliable and predictable outcomes.
  • Unbiased Gene Expression Analysis: The results from this assay can seamlessly integrate with previously obtained single-cell data, as it introduces no bias.
  • Greater Sensitivity: The Evercode WT v2 solution exhibits significantly improved sensitivity across all tested sample types. This enhancement holds true across diverse species, irrespective of whether the initial material consists of isolated cells or nuclei.
  • Reduced Contamination: Evercode technology exhibits inherent resistance to ambient RNA contamination by employing cells instead of droplets as the reaction vessel. Additionally, it incorporates a wash step to effectively eliminate cell-free molecules that could be present in the solution, further enhancing the reliability of the process.
  • Higher Resolution Cell Clustering: Evercode exhibited superior cluster resolution when compared to alternative platforms.

Sequencing Workflow

Step 1: Sample Fixation

Immediately after collecting your samples, ensure the preservation of gene expression with a swift fixation protocol. Following fixation, you have the option to store samples for up to 6 months or proceed directly to the barcoding step.

Step 2: Barcoding and Library Preparation

Enhance each transcript’s traceability by introducing barcodes to individual cells through a split-pool combinatorial barcoding process. Subsequently, the kit advances to standard library preparation, creating sequencing-ready molecules.

Step 3: Sequencing

The libraries produced in the previous step are subjected to Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).

Step 4: Data Analysis

Our computational pipeline generates an interactive report, providing rapid insights into your data. All resulting data files, such as the gene-cell count matrix, seamlessly integrate with widely-used open-source tools like Seurat or Scanpy for further analysis.

Parse Biosciences Evercode Whole Transcriptome Library Preparation

Applications of Evercode Whole Transcriptome Single-Cell RNA Sequencing:

  • Explore variations in gene expression with Differential Gene Expression analysis.
  • Uncover cell identities, especially in Immunology and T cell research, through Cell Type Identification.
  • Investigate intricate cell interactions in the context of Cancer Research using Cell-Cell Communications analysis.
  • Delve into cell diversity, particularly in the context of Cancer Research, with Cell Heterogeneity Analysis.
  • Map the developmental journey of cells with Cell Trajectory Analysis.
  • Decipher the complex web of gene regulation using Gene Regulatory Network analysis.
  • Gain insights into cellular metabolism with Cell Metabolic Analysis.
  • Understand cell composition at a granular level through Cell Compositional Analysis.
  • Spatial Transcriptomics: Study gene expression patterns within the context of tissue architecture, providing spatial information on how cells interact and function.

1010Genome's Evercode Whole Transcriptome scRNA Sequencing Services

At 1010Genome, we understand the intricate language of genes and the importance of deciphering their expressions at the single-cell level. Our Evercode Whole Transcriptome scRNA Sequencing services are designed to provide you with comprehensive insights into the dynamic world of gene expression.

  • Unprecedented Sensitivity: We utilize cutting-edge Evercode sequencing technologies to capture the nuances of gene expression at the single-cell level, providing unparalleled sensitivity and accuracy.
  • High Throughput: Process thousands of cells simultaneously, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of cellular heterogeneity within a sample.
  • Full Transcriptional Coverage: Our services cover the entire transcriptome, ensuring that no crucial information is left undiscovered.
  • Single-Cell Resolution: Analyze individual cells to unravel the intricacies of cellular heterogeneity and uncover rare cell populations.

Bioinformatic Analysis Services

Transforming Raw Data into Actionable Insights

Our bioinformatic analysis services are tailored to extract meaningful information from the vast datasets generated by Evercode Whole Transcriptome scRNA Sequencing. We offer a range of analysis options to suit the specific needs of your research:

  • Data Preprocessing: Rigorous quality control and preprocessing steps to ensure the accuracy of downstream analyses.
  • Clustering and Cell Type Identification: Classify cells based on gene expression patterns, uncovering distinct cell types and subpopulations within your samples.
  • Differential Expression Analysis: Identify genes that are significantly upregulated or downregulated across different conditions, shedding light on key biological processes.
  • Pathway Analysis: Understand the functional implications of gene expression changes by exploring enriched biological pathways.
  • Interactive Data Visualization: Intuitive visualizations that facilitate a deeper understanding of complex biological systems.

Why Choose 1010Genome?

  • Expertise: Our team of experienced scientists and bioinformaticians is dedicated to ensuring the success of your research.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: We leverage the latest sequencing technologies and computational tools to deliver high-quality results.
  • Custom Solutions: Tailor our services to meet the unique requirements of your research project.
  • End-to-End Support: From sample preparation to data analysis, we provide comprehensive support at every stage of your project.

Get Started with Evercode Whole Transcriptomics scRNA Seq Today

Unleash the full potential of your research with 1010Genome's Evercode Whole Transcriptome scRNA Sequencing and Bioinformatic Analysis Services. Contact us to discuss your project, and let us be your trusted partner in unraveling the mysteries of single-cell gene expression.