
News & stuff

Human Chromosome Y Sequence Assembly using Oxford Nanopore Reads

First Human chromosome Y sequence was published nearly two decades ago, yet the full chr Y sequence is not competently resolved due to high...

The Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) draft de novo genome assembly explores genetic divergence between soft and hard seeded cultivars

In this study, researcher’s generated a high‐quality and long‐range contiguity chromosome‐scale de novo genome assembly of the soft‐seeded pomegranate cultivar ‘Tunisia’ with the help...

De novo Transcriptome Assembly and Differential Gene Expression analysis Identify Drought Resistant genes in Cynanchum thesioides (Xerophytic shrubs)

RNA sequencing (RNA Seq) is revolutionizing the study of the transcriptomes. Highly sensitive and accurate tool for measuring expression across the transcriptome, RNA Seq...

16s rRNA metagenomics and biodiversity analysis of melt water soil reveals a diverse community composition across soil to sediments.

Lakes of melt water in the Artic have become one of the transforming landscapes due to global warming. A recent study compares structure of...

Differential Gene Expression Analysis of RNA Seq and Microarray Data highlights the role of the Hfq gene in expression regulation and parthenogenesis

Hfq is a conserved RNA-binding protein with multiple regulatory roles within the prokaryotic cell. One of the key roles is to promote stable duplex...

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Exome SNP Calling Accuracy

A head-to-head evaluation of GATK vs Google DeepVariant Exome...

Illumina Sequencing Explained

1010Genome offers next generation sequencing data analysis through Illumina...

Transcriptome Analysis & Applications

Recent advancement in next generation sequencing strategies has lead...

The Use of Transcriptome Data to Understand the Function of Genes

The transcripts or gene readouts that form the transcriptome...

Case Studies